September 16

TOP-30 Web 2.0 Sites for Posting/Ranking ChatGPT-Generated Content


For the last 3 months, I have actively tested authority sites to post my affiliate reviews. I just got to ChatGPT and was impatient to rank this content in the TOP of Google SERPs.

I saw how successfully other SEOs do this completely free of charge, effectively, and quickly. I wanted to try the NEW SEO Content Ranking strategy based on the domain authority.

This article shows my SEO experiment with publishing content generated in ChatGPT for TOP-30 different authority Web 2.0 sites/forums/social networks. You’ll get a list of those 30 Web 2.0 sites, examples, and an action plan. You will see the result. Read this article to the end, it will be very useful, and you can repeat my success.

After all, the emergence of ChatGPT and content rankings of authoritative sites opens up enormous opportunities for SEOs that can use Web 2.0 and rank user-generated content at Google’s TOP for free.

There are 1000+ websites for free posting, I will talk about those that can rank high in Google. You can check their listings.

ZERO investments, No Link Building, No Waitings, No efforts

Why not?

I decided to use a life hack from different SEOs, that use this technique; I saw their free posting schemes, and they work perfectly.

Thanks to such findings, I saw all the possible sites where it was possible to post content made in ChatGPT for free, and I could immediately see how these articles were ranked.

This idea simply captivated me. 

You just need to create quick content and post it on authority domains. That’s it!

Soon I will make a separate SEO course on this technique because I use it heavily. Be sure to subscribe to my channel and groups on social networks to catch up on its release.

So far, I have done a course on expired domains. This technique works best for Google rankings and affiliate sales. You can download my quick start guide to expired domains for free – find the link in the description of this video. Also, get a $50 discount code to access my course.

Domain Authority

I constantly rank articles built on expired domains on TOP of Google and buy news articles from authoritative sites to get first spots in Google’s SERPs. The key wording is AUTHORITY SITE.

Today, the content of some trusted Web 2.0 sites reaches Google’s TOP for the necessary search queries. 

Why not? 

The experiment has begun

I opened new accounts on Web 2.0. I selected sites for this experiment to find out which really get good rankings, traffic, and sales in my niche and which are just a waste of time.

I spent a lot of time and effort to find those 30 SEO platforms for you.

So let me highlight 3 keywords for this video:




Yes, I wanted to do everything for free, quickly, and get rankings for the chosen keywords. Why wait for long if indexing on such authoritative sites takes only a couple of days; In fact, I saw the first results within 2-3 days with some sites.

What I’ve done

  1. I generated 30 articles for 30 sites. Each article was 5000 words long
  2. I registered an account on each Web 2.0 website that I came across There were about 30 of them in total, I put links in the description of this video
  3. I added ready-made articles to the sites, added keywords to meta tags, title
  4. I have many of my own sites built on expired domains, so I just added links to new articles directly to them for fast indexing
  5. I have used Rank Ranger to track keyword rankings. You can use Ahrefs , Semrush , SE Ranking for this purpose
  6. I have chosen keywords in the niche I know. I checked the content generated with Chat GPT. It contained some keyword variations I needed, so I didn’t even bother editing it
  7. I started receiving notifications from Rank Ranger about my rankings. I was very inspired
  8.                 I began to edit the top-rated content. I adapted the text to make it user-friendly, added Call-to-action, and pictures, added better formatting, and added my affiliate links.
  9.                 Within 2-3 weeks, I saw most of my articles not just in the Google index , they were ranked in the TOP 10 results, and traffic and sales went up in my affiliate stats

PROS and CONS of this Method


  1. Easy, free, effective and fast rankings
  2. Easy to register and post
  3. You can create a conversion funnel, post links, images, titles
  4. You don’t need to build backlinks, you don’t need to own any websites


  1. You can lose your account any time, because of the moderation
  2. There are many restrictions in functionality
  3. You can’t use your publications for link building
  4. Sometimes, you won’t get TOP-10 rankings
  5. Some websites may get drop in rankings anytime

Remember: if you want get stable rankings of your content you better buy expired domains(learn my course at or download my free Quicde to expired domains) or publish a paid article on a media site

Remember that I didn’t pay a penny for this SEO (neither for content nor for publications), I know all the affiliate offers pretty well. I even knew which keywords had weaker competition and where the money was. All I needed was to go through the sequence described above and that’s it.

Let’s go to the list of sites

Next, I want to present the TOP 30 sites to save time and show you the possibilities of such SEO Method. You will definitely like this. I have listed all the links on my website post. Find it in the description of this video.

Be sure to like this video if it is useful for you, subscribe to my channel, and share your thoughts and experience with Web 2.0 website posting in the comments


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