February 3

How to Build a $10k/Month Affiliate Site in 2023. Get Google Traffic in 30 days(Expired Domains SEO Method)


In this article, I will discuss how you can build an affiliate business in 2023 and earn from $1000 to $10 000 per month. Why such a range?

Everything will depend on which expired domain you choose for yourself at the domain auction. What am I talking about? Read this review, I'll tell you everything.

The main thing is not just to create a beautiful affiliate website, cool product reviews, amazing conversion funnel, etc. The main thing is to own a powerful expired domain at auction with great backlinks for Google rankings.

So I have created a whole course on how to get an expired domain in an auction https://www.affiliatecredocom-200efa.ingress-daribow.ewp.live. And I invite everyone to access it, which is affordable for anyone.

I also offer to download my free guide on how to get started with expired domains. Then, simply subscribe to my newsletter to download the PDF file instantly.

Here are those 10 steps you need to follow to succeed in the Affiliate business in 2023

STEP #1. Choosing a niche and keywords

First, you must choose what products/services and niches you want to work with, then see how your competitors earn in the niche and study their top-rated websites and most visited pages in SEMrush.

Create similar posts, write about the same products, and use your competitors' conversion funnel to repeat their success but be creative.

Of course, you should research the niche and the competition. For example, will you be able to rank on TOP for the money keywords you have chosen or not?

Popular niches in affiliate marketing these days are:

  • Health (with many sub- niches)
  • Crypto
  • Essay writing
  • Payday Loans
  • Dating
  • Buy followers

Be sure to pick up keywords in Semrush, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest. Pay attention to those keywords for which SEOs do not create much content.

STEP #2. Decide on a budget for Expired domains

There are 3 options. They are associated with investments in expired auction domains. It is important to understand how much you are willing to spend, and then it will be clear which site or sites you can afford. You can get access to my SEO course “How to turn auction domains into GOLD” to learn this topic step-by-step.

  • So, option #1 is the budget one. This is about 300 to 500 dollars for a domain. But, you can start your own business, reach the TOP, and get traffic. At the same time, you will definitely recoup your investment and be able to earn up to $ 1,000 per month. Not bad.
  • Option #2 is the middle one. This is a budget of $500 to $1,500. Here you can already talk about several domains that you can buy or one of good quality. Earnings can be up to $ 3,000 per month, sometimes more
  • Option #3 is expensive. Amounts from 1500-4000 dollars. In this range, you can build a strong business. We are talking about earnings up to $ 10,000 and more per month.

Once you know your budget for expired auction domains, you can plan your work using my SEO course.

You can get a 50% discount(limited time offer):

  • BASIC package - $175 (64 SEO lessons)
  • PREMIUM package - $229(116 lessons including the “MONEY SITE” module)

Visit my website www.affiliatecredocom-200efa.ingress-daribow.ewp.live to learn more about my course

STEP #3. Site and content creation

If you have chosen a business idea or done a niche analysis, you are already participating in auctions and ready to make bids or you may have placed bids already. So let’s see what you can do before you actually win the domain name.

  • Use any shared hosting where you can safely install WordPress for the initial website. It may be the cheapest you will find. For a test site, take something as simple as possible. If you work with several sites, make it possible to manage them in one panel for convenience. I am using PriorityProspect, but you can also use Namecheap, Hostwinds, or Whois
  • I recommend setting up a WordPress site on some domain. Just create the structure and content of the site in advance. It will help you index your website once you own the domain.
  • So start creating a WordPress site, order content writing, then design and optimize the articles.

You can get access to my SEO course and learn the “MONEY SITE” module where I teach how to create the best WordPress site step-by-step. Visit www.affiliatecredocom-200efa.ingress-daribow.ewp.live

STEP #4. Installing plugins

  • To create a website, you need to buy the Thrive Theme plugin. Creating a well-converting site simply will not work without this amazing plugin. It includes the best website templates and tools to design your website and its pages. This is the best solution for creating a quality affiliate review site.
  • Be sure to install the ThirstyAffiliates plugin and activate “Go redirects” to hide affiliate links from visitors and Google
  • I would suggest installing a plugin that redirects all 404 pages to your homepage. This is because many of the backlinks point to the old site's internal pages, which are deleted.
  • You also need an SEO plugin to work effectively with the website SEO. It could be Yoast or All in One SEO
  • You can use different caching plugins to improve the website performance, but you don’t need them if you use Thrive Theme, which includes everything for your website performance.

STEP #5. Web hosting is important for both SEO and sales


  • Pick up good WordPress hosting as soon as you have good traffic. It would help if you had a good website speed to improve your Core Web Vitals by Google and also user experience
  • When choosing a web hosting, be guided by its uptime indicators, access speed, and really good support. I recommend immediately buying Dedicated IP and using a cloud server if you work with multiple projects. And remember - never relink your websites

Step #6. Affiliate Analytics


  • You must install Google Analytics, and I also recommend installing Yandex.Metrika with the Webvisor function activated. It helps to view visitor sessions in video format. Thus, you can understand how to improve the website, what is attractive to your visitors, and what they ignore. It really helps in conversion rate optimization
  • You must understand which pages drive the most traffic, where sales come from, and what call-to-action elements work best.

STEP #7. SEO Tools

So at some point in your work, you will realize that you need SEO data on your competitors. So then you should use SEO tools like Ahrefs, Majestic, SEMrush, or Ubersuggest. By the way, this is the cheapest one.

STEP #8. Website improvement and CRO


Creating a money site doesn’t mean it will automatically guarantee your permanent passive income. You must always add new content, especially if the site is authoritative in Google, and all its pages go on TOP quickly. Always test and improve what you’re adding. Conversion rate optimization is essential for the affiliate business.

STEP #9. Delegation of tasks

It would help if you found freelancers on Fiverr, preferably a few. You will need a content manager and copywriter, at least. Be sure to find such freelancers.

Then you can manage multiple sites and add content regularly. Focus only on domain search, analytics, business development, website improvements, and task management.

STEP #10. Start your Youtube channel


Your reviews should have their own videos. This helps improve conversion and ratings in Google, and if you have a popular site, a link to the review video will improve its views.


Remember, Google and Youtube are one ecosystem. Youtube videos are actively promoted in the search results, and this trend will continue in 2023.



So let's recap. After watching this video, we are now talking with you about the fact that traffic should bring money and good sales. For example, the best traffic for affiliate sales comes from Google absolutely free.

If you buy a trusted expired domain at auction(click here to learn my SEO course and choose the best domain for your affiliate business), you can rank your posts on TOP of Google’s search results and enjoy free targeted traffic that converts like crazy.


This is incredible and can bring a huge income. You can create a profitable affiliate business in 2023 using trusted expired domains, but it is worth preparing for hard work.


Using my SEO course, you can save time, money, and effort and simply buy expired auction domains that will rank and bring affiliate income quickly.


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